In The Community

  • Thank you Camp Woodboia!

    Thank you Camp Woodboia

    Thank you, Camp Woodboia members, for meeting in Lafleche with the South West District. We really enjoyed discussing new ideas for Camp Woodboia, which included new partnerships, new programs, and potentially hiring a manager. This is very exciting for Camp Woodboia!

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you Ogema!

    Thank you Ogema

    Thank you, Ogema, for meeting with the South West District. We really enjoyed learning about all the progress Ogema is having to advance culture, recreation, and sport in the community. From purchasing an old church to house a larger library, to developing an outdoor space, to an upcoming Volunteer Recruitment Event. Ogema is very active in supporting the community’s recreation, culture, and sport needs.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you Sceptre!

    The Great Sandhills Museum and Interpretive Centre board members are hard at work behind the scenes planning for the spring! Thank you for inviting us back to join you for a Grant Writing workshop and focused conversation on funding and programming opportunities. 

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you Shaunavon!

    Thank You Shaunavon

    We snuck in a few community visits before the snow flew. Thank you to the new Shaunavon Wellness and Leisure Director for the visit! The Wheels were turning as we discussed grants, financial planning for community-based organizations, supporting user groups and non-profit organizations, and the power of community partnerships at the local and regional level. 

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Community Visits | Virtually or In-Person | We are on the road and ready to meet with community leaders, volunteers, and organizations!

    Visiting Craik
    Event Date & Time


    Registration Deadline

    No Deadline


    Virtually online, or in-person.




    South West District Community Consultants are on the road this summer, and ready to meet with community leaders, volunteers, and organizations! We are available to meet virtually or in-person, as you prefer.

    We want you to succeed, so we:

    • Help you navigate the world of community culture, recreation, and sport.
    • Help you find funding.
    • Suggest programs and partnerships that might be a great fit for your group.
    • Offer the training you need.

    It doesn’t matter if you are working to rebuild a recreation board, looking for training for museum staff, or starting a senior’s fitness program. We’re knowledgeable. We have lots of great ideas. But most of all, we want to learn what you need.

    We can meet individually, with your group, or with several groups in your community. If you prefer to meet virtually, we’ll set-up all the Zoom meeting details!

    Let’s talk. Please click the REGISTRATION link to fill in the form and a South West District Community Consultant will get back to you to set-up a time to meet.

    Scroll down to see some of the communities we’ve met with this year!

  • Thank you Lafleche!

    Thank You Lafleche

    Thank you Lafleche, for meeting with the South West District. We really appreciated meeting members from the library, museum, recreation board, arts club, Club 50, RM, community centre, Lions club, and curling rink. It was a great conversation, and we look forward to supporting the community with their culture, recreation, and sport needs.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you Tugaske!

    Thank You Tugaske

    Thank you Tugaske, for meeting with the South West District. We really appreciated hearing how the library not only serves Tugaske, but serves the surrounding communities. It is a hub of activity and offers so many programs beyond the books.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule

  • Thank you Moose Jaw Multicultural Council!

    Thank You MJMCC

    Thank you, Moose Jaw Multicultural Council Inc. for meeting with the South West District. We connected with the new Community Connections Coordinator and look forward to supporting the Moose Jaw Multicultural Council Inc.’s culture, recreation, and sport needs.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you Mossbank!

    Thank You Mossbank

    Thank you Mossbank, for meeting with the South West District. We really appreciated meeting with your new staff and discussing ways the South West District can support the Town of Mossbank.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you North Grove!

    Thank you North Grove!

    Thank you, North Grove, for meeting with the South West District. It was exciting to hear about the creation of your new Recreation Committee and all the great programming ideas happening out at the Village.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you Willow Bunch!

    Thank You Willow Bunch

    Thank you Willow Bunch, for meeting with the South West District. We really appreciated attending your Truth and Reconciliation Event and being able to tour the Willow Bunch Museum.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you Avonlea!

    Thank You Avonlea

    Thank you Avonlea, for meeting with the South West District. We appreciated meeting with members from the Museum and Recreation Board. We also enjoyed touring the Museum and seeing all the updates and planned exhibits.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank you Swift Current!

    Swift Current 2024

    Thank you Swift Current, we have enjoyed connecting with a number of different organizations and individuals from your community. We can’t wait to see you at the Fall/Winter City Wide Connection, on Thursday, September 5. 

    If you would like a Community Consultant to visit you, give us a call!

  • Thank you Sceptre!


    Thank you to the folks from Sceptre. We enjoyed the time visiting with the Great Sand Hills Historical Society volunteers, touring of the Great Sandhills Museum and Interpretive Centre, and appreciating the work of artists from the region. 

    If you would like a Community Consultant to visit you, give us a call!

  • Thank you Climax!

    Thank You Climax

    Thank you Climax for meeting with the South West District. We visited with folks from Climax and Frontier and enjoyed a tour of the Climax Community Museum.

    If your community or organization would like the South West District to visit, please reach out to a South West District Consultant to schedule.

  • Thank You Camp Woodboia / Wood Mountain!

    Camp Woodboia

    If you would like a Community Consultant to visit you, give us a call!

  • Thank You Maple Creek!

    Thanks Maple Creek

    If you would like a Community Consultant to visit you, give us a call!

  • Thank You Morse!



    Thanks for hosting an in-person Grant Writing Workshop.

    Interested in hosting your own in-person grant writing in your community? Contact Elizabeth or Brennen to set-up a time.